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2017; 63(7):656-661

and meta-analysis to specifically investigate and compare

EN2 as a possible biomarker for PCa.

According to Pandha et al.,


EN2 test can lead to

faster diagnosis, saving thousands of lives, and has the

potential to reduce the cost of disease. However, it has

the disadvantage of not providing disease progression or

predicting tumor recurrence.

To date, the PSA is the most widely used tumor bio-

marker to detect, track and monitor PCa. In the literature,

there are still differences regarding the use of PSA in-

dicative of biopsy to confirm cancer. There is a lack of

consensus among the authors on the ideal point. This

contributes substantially to the great heterogeneity be-

tween the studies.


Interestingly, there are few published studies assessing

EN2 protein in PCa because it is a relatively new subject. It

is thus necessary to conduct further studies so that we can

understand the actual link between the EN2 protein and

PCa, as well as in other types of neoplasias, such as breast

cancer. Certainly, the development of new studies on this

subject is essential to come up with a fast, accurate and

primary diagnosis in cancer evaluation.

Considering the high specificity of EN2 and the high

sensitivity of PSA, we hypothesize that using both tests

together would increase the likelihood of PCa diagnosis.

Thus, we suggest future studies to investigate if this oc-

curs in the practice.

We used the GRADE approach to assess the quality of

the evidence produced in this study, classifying it as low,

which means that “further research is very likely to have

an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of

effect and is likely to change the estimate or any estimate

of effect is very uncertain.” The evidence was downgraded

due to risk of bias (limitations in the study design and

execution) and indirectness (differences in patients, time

and flow of tests) across the included studies.

A limitation of this study is that some of the includ-

ed control patients did not undergo prostate biopsy. The

study protocol includes annual PSA screening for 5 years,

at which point recruits are offered an optional prostate

biopsy; approximately half of the 392 individuals with

PSA 3.0 ng/mL will undergo prostate biopsy. However,

we decided to include this study because all PCa patients

included were diagnosed by biopsy and did not present

heterogeneity between the studies.



The low sensitivity and high specificity must be analyzed

carefully, since there are few studies analyzing EN2 and

the quality of evidence is low. It is too early to recommend

EN2 for detection and/or screening of PCa.





The authors declare no conflict of interest.



Proteína EN2 urinária no diagnóstico do câncer de prósta-

ta: revisão sistemática e metanálise


O câncer de próstata é o segundo tipo de

câncer diagnosticado e a quinta causa de morte em ho-

mens em todo o mundo. O diagnóstico precoce é funda-

mental para o prognóstico da doença. Atualmente, o

antígeno específico da próstata (PSA) é o biomarcador

mais utilizado; porém, biomarcadores mais específicos

devem ser estudados.


Avaliar a acurácia da proteína engrenada-2 (EN2)

na urina como biomarcador de câncer de próstata.


Foi realizada uma busca abrangente no período

de janeiro de 2005 a julho de 2016, utilizando as seguintes

bases de dados eletrônicas: Medline (PubMed), Embase,

Cochrane Library e Lilacs. As palavras-chave utilizadas

foram: “engrailed-2”, “EN2”, “prostatic neoplasms”. A bus-

ca foi limitada a humanos e não houve restrição de idioma.

A avaliação da qualidade dos estudos incluídos foi realiza-

da de acordo com Quadas-2. A análise estatística foi reali-

zada usando o software Meta-DiSc® e RevMan 5.3.


Foram identificados 248 estudos. Após a

triagem dos títulos e resumos, foram excluídos 231. Um

total de 17 foram lidos na íntegra e dois, incluídos na

metanálise. A sensibilidade combinada foi de 66% (IC95%

0,56-0,75). A especificidade foi de 89% (IC95% 0,86-0,92).

O DOR foi de 15,08 (IC95% 8,43-26,97).


O teste EN2 mostrou alta especificidade (89%)

e baixa sensibilidade (66%).


câncer de próstata, biomarcador, EN2,

revisão sistemática, metanálise.




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