2015; 61(6):519-523
efeito anti-inflamatório, suplementação com N-acetilcis-
teína, vitamina D e resveratrol, além do maior consumo
de frutas, verduras (preferencialmente orgânicas) e ce-
reais integrais, exercem efeito protetor, com redução no
risco de desenvolvimento e possível regressão da doença.
A reeducação alimentar parece ser uma ferramenta pro-
missora na prevenção e no tratamento da endometriose.
endometriose, ácidos graxos ômega-3,
dieta, alimentação, hábitos alimentares, vitamina D.
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Ngô et al. found that N-acetylcysteine (found in foods
with red pigments, garlic, onions, broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, oatmeal and wheat germ) regulates cell prolifer-
ation and activation of ERK ½ in endometriotic cells, and
reduces the production of hydrogen peroxide by reduc-
ing oxidative stress.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is the acetylated form of cys-
teine (amino acid) which, when supplemented, has been
shown to reduce the size of the
, replacing
proliferative behavior with differentiating behavior, and
decreasing the inflammatory and invasive activity.
In a case-control study, Porpora et al. assessed the di-
ameter and volume of
in women supple-
mented with 1800mg of NAC (600 mg/3 times a day or
This supplementation was given for 3 days in
a week, with a washout of 4 days, for a period of 3 months.
A reduction in the diameter of the cyst was seen in treat-
ed patients compared to the untreated ones (-1.5mm x
6.6mm, p=0.001).
There are few studies on the nutritional aspects related
to endometriosis; however, as in a number of chronic dis-
eases, the role of nutrients in the pathophysiology of such
diseases has received more attention. For the treatment
and control of endometriosis, hormonal medications are
the only options currently available, often without ther-
apeutic success and with numerous side effects.
This review allows us to conclude that there is evi-
dence that food and nutrients influence both the patho-
genesis and progression of the disease, leading to the pos-
sibility of alternative, adjuvant treatments to those
suffering from the disease.
It is known that the treatment of endometriosis is mul-
tidisciplinary. As such, interferences in this field through
the incorporation of nutritionists into teams may, in the
coming years, assume an important role in preventive and
therapeutic results for combating the disease.
Aspectos nutricionais relacionados à endometriose
Esta revisão de literatura analisou as evidências sobre as-
pectos nutricionais relacionados com a etiopatogenia e
a progressão da endometriose. Dietas deficientes em nu-
trientes refletem-se em alterações no metabolismo lipídi-
co, estresse oxidativo e favorecem anormalidades epige-
néticas que podem estar envolvidas na gênese e na
progressão da doença. Alimentos ricos em ômega-3, com